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The Asialink Taskforce

The Asialink Taskforce for an Asia Capable Workforce was formed in 2012 to develop a national strategy on equipping the Australian workforce with the critical capabilities required to tap the opportunities presented by the rise of Asia.

The National Strategy:

  • Makes the case for developing an Asia capable Australian workforce
  • Identifies the individual and organisational capabilities most critical to business success in and with Asia
  • Outlines effective strategies business can implement to improve Asia capabilities within their organisation
  • Describes the role for governments and educational institutions.

The Taskforce, in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group, identified a strong correlation between business success in the region and "Asia capabilities" – a mix of six individual and five organisational capabilities. Given the underdevelopment of these capabilities in the Australian workforce, the Taskforce's key recommendation, which was subsequently adopted by the Australian Government, was the establishment of a National Centre for Asia Capability (later renamed Asialink Business). Read the full 'Developing an Asia Capable Workforce' national strategy (2012) here.

The Asialink Taskforce for an Asia Capable Workforce was chaired by Mike Smith (CEO, ANZ Banking Group Limited) and included other prominent business people from a range of sectors.